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link up 連結,聯合,會合。

link verb

Aims to link up the religious - minded individuals and religious organizations to work for peace -從事宗教事工及社會服務。提供服務介紹活動消息出版刊物。

There the irrigation canal links up with the reservoir which is very important to the villagers 這條灌溉渠道在那兒與水庫連接起來,水庫對村民們很重要。

Marseille made an attempt to land ziani , but he opted to link up with alain perrin at sochaux 馬賽試圖簽下濟亞尼,但他選擇和索肖的阿萊因?佩林會合。

“ we have linked up pretty well so far , so hopefully it can be a good season for us together . 我們已經融合到一起了,我們期待一個成功的賽季。

9th , seeks common ground on major issues while reserving minor differences , links up slightly haggled over 9求大同存小異,多溝通小計較。

Try to link up globally , via the internet , and locally , in your own community 盡力在全球范圍內通過國際互聯網聯結,在本地的社區內聯結。

The south hong kong line ( sil ) that links up the northern and southern parts of hong kong island 南港島線連接香港島南、北兩面。

It is hoped that the vtcaa will be able to link up past vtc graduates 校友會致力建立畢業同學間的聯系,而現時就讀的同學亦可受惠。

But linking up systems from different realms is not as easy as it appears 不過,要把屬于不同領域的系統連接起來,實際上并不容易。

Grant is set to link up with chelsea next monday for their tour to the usa 格蘭特在下周一將會與切爾西會合,并隨隊前往美國拉練。

Link up vacancy 連結已刊登空缺

Linking up efficiency 而貫通效率

Has the group team cooperation spirit and good links up 善于溝通,具有團隊合作精神;肯鉆研,具有高度工作熱情,工作責任心強。

7th , the communication is condenses , the communication is a strength links up by wins 7溝通是凝聚,溝通是力量,溝通以取勝。

Languages are more bridges linking up our souls than tool of spreading information 語言是傳播的工具,更是我們心靈溝通的橋梁

Study on linking up and integrating higher education amp; amp; elementary education 高等教育與基礎教育銜接和整合的研究

How to link up vacancy 怎樣連結已刊登空缺?

Linking up the scenic spots and recreational facilities by the proposed road 使用建議的道路連接風景點和康樂設施

I hope the girl is the friendly solution people ' s desires and can link up 我希望的女孩是善解人意和能夠溝通